Pear tree lane Farmhouse

~Welcome home~

This blog is dedicated to my dear family who live many miles away, and to you dear ladies , who have a heart for keeping the home fires burning. You, who love and cherish your family, and have a desire to create a home that says "Welcome, you are loved and cared for."

My desire is that when you leave that you will be encouraged and know that you too are loved.


A personal note from me to you

Written by Sue, Tuesday, July 25, 2017             very hot, humid, high 90's

I started blogging in 2008, after acquiring my first computer, I found out about blogging by reading a magazine called "Romantic Homes!"Oh how I loved reading about the blogs they had highlighted. I thought to myself, "I can and want to do this!" I was new to computers and it took a while for me to learn how to even operate mine, so after much prayer, tears, and tenacity.

 I get my tenacity from this lady! To update you, Mother is doing great, she works harder than anyone I know, she not only is my Mother, she is my friend, spiritual mentor, helper!She reads the bible through twice a year, and has a widows group in her home once a month! She is a prayer warrior,and  when faced with situations the family knows just who to call!

So I created my first blog, and as they say"The rest is history"!

Would you like to know something funny, I thought, I was going to take Blogland by storm and everyone  was going to ooh and ahh, over my meager words and photos! So I waited and waited, and then it happened, my first friend and comment was made by, Vee, I was so thrilled! Over the years we have become very dear friends, I truly treasure our friendship!

I then began to visit other ladies, and soon developed wonderful friendships,(you know who you are, to numerous to mention today, and I love you dearly) I soon forgot about taking Blogland by storm, it didn't matter anymore, as I had found something more valuable, You, my dear friends!

Over the past year my blogging has somewhat been neglected, not intentional, for sure, but sometimes life has a way of causing us to go off track, through uncontrollable circumstances!

 I want you to know that through this time of absence that you have remained in my thoughts and prayers. After receiving an iPad and iPhone,  I started an Instagram account, and do enjoy it, it is so much quicker ( I neglected it for a while too) but it is not as personable as blogging, though I will say I have made some wonderful friends there too!

As I am writing this, I am thinking about the past nine years and of how fast they have gone by,  I have seen your families grow, how we have experienced and shared heartaches together, prayed for one another, and enjoyed many special events in our lives.

You have inspired me more than you will ever know,  this "farm girl" who thought she was going to take Blogland by storm has received more than she has ever given, and for that I am so thankful!

My desire is to get back to blogging, and getting reacquainted! ~smile~

Yesterday finished my summer canning season,(fall harvest  begins in September) we have been hard at work for months, from preparing the land, planting, harvesting, and preserving it. Some might wonder why we do all this!

There are many reasons, I am hoping to share some real soon, the main reason is, much of this is sent to family and friends, who live far and near.

Today I am resting, and making plans to revamp my blog, it needs some sprucing, and planning my cleaning schedule for Fall, yes, my favorite season is coming, fall will be here before we know it!

On the counter are field peas, tomato sauce, vegetable soup, and salsa, I would love to show you my breakfast room table, it is full too, but a little messy!~smile~

Thank you for listening,

~Bloom where you are planted~

Written by Sue, Sunday, July 16, 2017                Very hot, and humid, high 90's

In early spring while I was out weeding in the flower garden, I saw this very small plant, I knew it wasn't a weed, I also knew that I had not planted it!  I go out to my flower gardens to weed about three times a week, and fertilize twice a month, I decided to help this plant, I kept the weeds away, watered and fertilized it, this once small plant kept growing and growing, it soon became a vine, blossoms appeared, and then these tiny  gourds came forth! Just tickled me pink. Why, because fall is my favorite season and I love decorating with gourds, and pumpkins.

The vine is just outside my back door, I pass it several times a day, as I have watched this plant evolve, a lesson also evolved, and it is this...

This plant was not intentionally planted it was placed by  someone or something else besides me, maybe a bird, or it was accidentally dropped. This I do know, this little plant decided it was going to be the best plant ever and produce more fruit than any other plant! It has taken up most of the area, crossed over into the herb garden and just keeps right on going and producing! I just watch and say 'You go Girl"

Many of us have been planted in places that we might not have chosen or wanted to be! When this plant came forth it could have decided to just lay there and die, instead it's roots searched for fertile soil to grow, and I, the Gardner, noticed it and began to nourish it! Just as God, who notices us, nourishes us through His Word, Presence, family and friends; nothing gets by the Master Gardner's eyes or ears, God hasn't forgotten us, He knows exactly where we are at!

One year ago, to this day,  I was planted in a place I did not want to be, I will admit it has been a struggle but God and has encouraged me through His Word, fellowship with Him, family and friends, just like I encouraged this little vine! Like the vine I have decided to "Bloom where I am planted!" How about you?


The righteous man will flourish like the palm tree, He will grow like a cedar in Lebanon. Planted in the house of the LORD, They will flourish in the courts of our God.