Pear tree lane Farmhouse

~Welcome home~

This blog is dedicated to my dear family who live many miles away, and to you dear ladies , who have a heart for keeping the home fires burning. You, who love and cherish your family, and have a desire to create a home that says "Welcome, you are loved and cared for."

My desire is that when you leave that you will be encouraged and know that you too are loved.


~What have we been doing?~

Written by Sue, Wednesday, August 8, 2012.....              cloudy, humid, temps. 89
If I told you all that we had been up to, it would fill a book, so here are some  highlights...
photo shoots..
mowing the lawn...
 More photo shoots, Yes, those are Miss M's real eyelashes, and she didn't inherit  them from her grandmother. lol
Picking and...

canning corn

I was on my way to the herb garden and who do you think was climbing over the herb garden fence. Yep! Peter Rabbit he not only likes Mr McGregor's garden he likes mine as well! "Naughty boy, Peter".

I preceded to the garden not knowing if he had left me anything. Well, it seems Peter has been well taught by his mother to not be so greedy. I gathered some lemon thyme, one of my favorite thyme's! smells so lemony.

Since Peter Rabbit left some herbs I will now willingly share with him. besides he left me something in exchange, free fertilizer  ~wink~

 I also gathered some sage, and 
sweet marjoram, they were then

washed and spun in the.. salad spinner
placed  on paper towels on the counter to finish drying. One of the most rewarding sites is to gather herbs, veggies, and fruits from your own little spot on this beautiful earth that God created for His children! I worship and adore my Creator for He alone provides for my every need. "Thank you heavenly Father for all of my blessings."

I then tied them in bundles,
and hung them to air dry for a few weeks.Do you see my cayenne peppers drying too?

We are now waiting  for these three little "darlings" to arrive tomorrow. It has been quite a while! Lots of plans have been made.

Hope you are enjoying, and 
"Savoring"  your summer days.
Psalm 90:12~ Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.