Pear tree lane Farmhouse

~Welcome home~

This blog is dedicated to my dear family who live many miles away, and to you dear ladies , who have a heart for keeping the home fires burning. You, who love and cherish your family, and have a desire to create a home that says "Welcome, you are loved and cared for."

My desire is that when you leave that you will be encouraged and know that you too are loved.


~Back On Track~Hopefully~

Written by Sue, Saturday, February 1, 2020 cloudy, cool, temps. 40's
 I wholeheartedly welcome  February, usually by the 1st. the only reminder of the past holiday season is a loose tinsel stuck in the vacuum cleaner roller, or an ornament found in an inconspicuous place, i.e. behind the couch. ~wink~ 

The pages in my journal are beginning to fill, our goals are written down, and dreams of fulfilling them lie ahead. I love making plans and setting goals, from daily, weekly and monthly, but experience has taught me that things don't always go as planned, however,  through many trials, errors, and tears I am learning to go with the flow. Not there yet!~grin~

Five months ago I decided to do something about my health, exercising, eating healthier, getting more sleep,adding  supplements too! I found if you do one, all the others will fall in line. The one thing I knew I had to do was to be consistent, which I really tried to adhere too, and was doing so well, felt better, even lost some weight, which was not my main goal, I just wanted to feel better and be healthier.

All that changed two weeks ago, I stopped exercising, started eating unhealthy mainly for convenience, it is hard to manage a program when away from home, when company comes, and when loving family (MOM) sends all these great tasting foods, desserts to your home. EXCUSES! EXCUSES! Isn't it amazing how we try and justify our behavior !tch!tch!

Today after eating 1-1/2 candy bars, that our son brought home from shopping, actually he  bought 6, I decided it was time to do something about these bad habits that I had picked back up.

I bundled up went for a walk, said "hello" to the animals! had a long talk with the Lord!

Psalm 66:19~ But certainly God has heard me; He has attended to the voice of my prayer.

  I was amazed at how easy it was to get back to my exercise, I walked 4.5 miles in record time! Now, if I could get those sweets out of sight I think I can say I am back on track. ~wink~


OH! Dear Ones, Mr. P. is doing so well, he continues to amaze me with his progress, I don't have to remind him that its time to do PT any more, he has weaned himself off the high powered pain meds. which is such a relief, and wants to be more independent.

 Next week will be busy, three days of PT, a trip to Drs. to have staples removed, and sadly our son will be going back home, not looking forward to saying goodby,๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ข๐Ÿ’”

Hope you are having a great weekend,
Thank you for your love and prayers,


ellen b. said...

Lots of good things to read here. Glad hubby is doing so well. Boohoo about your dear ones going back home. Good for you for walking all those miles. I even got out today. Love that verse from Psalm 66!

Sandi said...

"I bundled up went for a walk, said "hello" to the animals! had a long talk with the Lord!

Psalm 66:19~ But certainly God has heard me; He has attended to the voice of my prayer."


He heard you!

Pamela M. Steiner said...

so glad to hear your hubby is doing so well. That is encouraging to know that people do recover from this surgery and soon he will be back out there walking with those beautiful ducks and geese and critters on the farm. Good for you to get out and walk and also say farewell to the candy bars. I'm a sucker for the "PayDay" candy bar...usually buy one "for the road" when we go's my reward for doing a good job! But I have been not doing that lately either. Candy and I don't get along very well. I know you will be sad to see your son go home. How wonderful they were there to help you all through the difficult days. What a blessing. Have a wonderful February! Love your journal. I'm trying to get back into journaling, but then life gets in the way of me sitting down to write about it... Oh well...a little at a time, one day at a time...Good night for now.

Vee said...

Son is going home next week? Hope a second helper is coming in. I don’t think Mr. P (P? D? ๐Ÿ™ƒ) is ready to go back to farming quite yet. So good to know that he is doing so very well. God is good!

You did well not to beat yourself up over the upset in schedule. That always ends badly. Yay for just starting back as you know how. Everything will be okay. (When I need a candy bar, I stir Rice Krispies into a TBS of p’nut butter and add a few chocolate chips...fakes me out every time!)

Barb said...

Hi Sue~

So proud of you for getting back on track, I know that's a really hard thing to do...I'm right there with you! February is a hard month to stay away from treats, but we can do it!! That 4.5 mile walk was a wonderful beginning for you!

Such a good report on your your husband, it's so good that he has a good attitude, with that he is well on the path to a good recovery. Keep up the good work, and have a very blessed Sunday!

Hugs and Love,

Ginny Hartzler said...

He is looking really good! I know it will be hard to see your son leave! Now I want candy.

Edna B said...

You can send me the Mounds bar. I just love them. That photo of your son and the donkeys is awesome. It's so good to see hubby doing so well. It's wonderful to have your children there to help you. You have a wonderful day, hugs, Edna B.

Linda said...

Playing catch up here today....I have missed so many posts lately!
Congrats to your husband! He is rocking his new knee and what a wonderful family you have that came to help out!
I had my left knee replaced 4 weeks ago tomorrow. Praise God for all the things modern medicine can do these days!!!

You did good to get up and get out and restart your own health journey. It's hard to take care of yourself when you are taking care of others at the same time.

Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas said...

I fell off the wagon too so to speak with my goals of eating right and exercising but now I pulled myself up and am back on the wagon...
I hope I can stay up there on it now.....Glad to hear your hubby is doing well...I was not able to take the big time narcotics...they made me nauseated so I was only able to take an occasional Tylenol #3 when I came home...I used my ice machine religiously though for at least a month.... Ice decreases the swelling and increases the movement of the joint...Thanks so much for stopping by!

wisps of words said...

Oh my, when people bring 'goodies' into the home, it makes it so hard to stick with a healthy plan. Not fair! -sigh-

Wonderful news about your husband's recovery!

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