Pear tree lane Farmhouse

~Welcome home~

This blog is dedicated to my dear family who live many miles away, and to you dear ladies , who have a heart for keeping the home fires burning. You, who love and cherish your family, and have a desire to create a home that says "Welcome, you are loved and cared for."

My desire is that when you leave that you will be encouraged and know that you too are loved.


"The last hurrah of summer",

Written by Sue, Saturday, October 19, 2019   partly sunny with rain this evening, cool fall day 60's

Hello dear friends, hope you are having a great day, fall weather has finally arrived here in our area, I  wish you could see me smiling. 😃👏
Our days are full preparing for winter, each year we trim our hedges, and perennials, place fresh pine needles down for coverings, we call this bedding the plants down for a long winter's nap.

The potted plants in the garden were replaced with pansies, one of our favorite flowers, they have such a sweet mild  fragrance. Did you know they are also edible?
Pansies are  happy flowers, they are always smiling, they bring lovely color to the winter garden,
The two toned have a butterfly face in the center. What do you think? Now, how did Sue come to this conclusion? 

I recently read a most delightful book, written by a favorite actress of mine, Roma Downey! Can you guess what tv show she played on?This is an autobiography  as well as a devotional, it is so encouraging and uplifting, the book would make a great gift,  I enjoyed it so much I am now rereading it.

In the book she tells of her mother's passing when Roma was a young girl, and that her mother's favorite flower were pansies. She told Roma that the faces in the pansies looked like a butterfly, I had to check for myself, yes, they do look like butterflies
"We delight in the beauty of the butterfly, but rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty."
Maya Angelou
Like the butterfly we go through many changes  to become and fulfill God's will and plan for our lives. I am sure the butterfly grew weary while struggling to escape the cocoon, but it didn't give up. Just as we face many challenges in our lives, we must remain stedfast to achieve this goal. The cocoon was the butterfly's protection, just as God is our protector and covering.
"The last hurrah of summer"

The roses were so pretty, we decided to not trim them until after the first frost.

 One of our favorite plants are begonias, they come in many colors and varieties, notice my thyme plants below,   these are on the covered porch and will also be left until frost, probably will go in the garage.

These will also be left until frost,  garage too!
The mandevilla is still beautiful, another overwinter in the garage, I have two that are about ten yrs old.
I planted these early spring they have really flourished this summer, I can't decide if I want to replace them with pansies or to place them with the other plants in the garage. Oh my, decisions, decisions!
I must go my watch says it time to look alive and walk.

 Thank you for visiting, have a great day!


Coloring Outside the Lines said...

I love all your flowers. All I have left is my roses and the pop ups out in the yard, which all seem to have taken flight and landed in the most peculiar places this year. My watch also tells me to MOVE...heee...I need a kick in the pants sometimes to do just that. Have a great day!

Vee said...

Honestly, it is difficult for me to imagine a place where flowers bloom all winter. Those pansies must be very hardy posies. Tonight will be a frost so the Easter cactus and the ivy have been brought in for the winter. They’re hanging out in the shower having had a good bath. My neighbor is mulching the leaves for me. I am blessed to have help. Say, how is Mr. Pear Tree Lane doing with all this hard work? He must be tough!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Your plants are gorgeous, you sure do have a green thumb! And that rose, oh my! I love pansies, too. When I was a child, we had a big pot of them on each side of the front porch steps. As I was an only child, and lonely, I gave them each names and loved their little faces. They are, indeed, happy flowers! I once had a birthday cake with pansies on top of it.

NanaDiana said...

Your flowers and plants are gorgeous!!!! I love pansies and they are a favorite here in the early spring. Thanks for sharing a bit of your life here. xo Diana

happyone said...

Like the others said your flowers are so very pretty.
I've always liked pansies too.
Nothing blooms here in winter!!

CHERI said...

All your plants look so nice and healthy. All of mine gave up the ghost a few weeks ago due to the extreme heat and lack of rain:( I do hope to get some pansies planted before long but I feel we may still have some hot days so I'm waiting to see. I haven't had great luck with pansies in the past but I'm going to try once again. Maybe this is my year!!!

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

Sue, I so enjoyed seeing your lovely flowers. I need to buy pansies before there are none left for around our mailbox. Yours are beautiful and I agree they have pretty smiling faces. Soon I'll be bringing in a lot of plants to our basement. We have a grow lux light down there to help them through the winter. Geraniums last quite well through the winter and sometimes I get lucky with begonias. Happy Autumn days to you!

Barb said...

Hi Sue~

Your plants are beautiful!! I also love pansies, they are just such happy flowers! This spring was a busy one, and I wasn't able to get to my flower pots as soon as I wanted to. When I was finally able, I say beautiful little frilly leafs growing in one of the pots, so I left it. A few weeks later, it was filled with...pansies! They had survived a harsh, Idaho winter. My Astros and a few Geraniums also came back, and they were just beautiful!! I love, Maya Angelou, she is one of my favorite authors, and poets, beautiful saying about butterflies!

We had snow and rain mix today, with heavy clouds and some thunder. I pretty sure that winter is just around the corner.

Beautiful post, Sue!

Hugs and Love,

Debbie Harris said...

My heart is always blessed when I come to your lovely place, you share such beauty not to mention the beauty of our soul. ♡

Look at those amazing pansies, so vibrant and happy.
Your plants hanging on your wall sure turned out beautifully.

Thank you for sharing your beauty with us 💗

Edna B said...

I love your flowers, and I especially love the pansies. They have always been a favorite of mine. It's really wonderful to have so many beautiful blossoms this late in the year. You have a wonderful day, hugs, Edna B.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Your pansy's are beautiful. That book sounds like a good read. Lovely quote from Maya Angelou. That's a good idea on the roses. Putting the plants in the garage is a great idea. Those hanging ones by the door are so beautiful. Definitely put them in the garage. Do they some some light during the winter?

Cheryl said...

So many lovely, cheerful things around your house! You're a good plant-mommy!

One year we planted pansies in our yard, but I think it was too early for them (or the wrong spot) because they all wilted and died in the autumn heat. I don't have much of a green thumb.

I am happy, too, that autumn has finally arrived. It's pouring rain here today, but I am not complaining. I am just so glad NOT to be sweating! A fall rain is cozy, I think.

Enjoy these fleeting days of October!

Christine said...

Hi Sue!
Glad you popped up!
Pansies are such a fun flower. I love to press them in a book and use them on stationary. The best, is finding one that you have forgotten!

Love putting the garden to bed!

From The Heart said...

All your flowers are so beautiful. I have a big pot of begonias beside the steps.Will try to winter them.I love your pansies..they are so winter hardy, I will get some for the winter.My sister passed away last year, I made a little memorial garden for her.She loved pansies, so that will be a good place for them.
Thank you for your comment on my blog...and for inspiring me to get some pansies!

Shug said...

BEAUTIFUL FLOWERS ALL AROUND. I think pansies are the perfect winter flower. so very pretty. Your garage sounds like ours. Our garage is always filled with orange and lemon trees...for the winter.

Rue said...

How lovely! All the flowers here are starting to fade for their winter time nap. Just a few daisies and delphiniums left. Enjoy your beautiful garden!


Lorrie said...

Your flowers are all lovely. Will they last throughout the winter? Pansies were my grandmother's favourite flower and I think of her when I see them. Have a good week!

Theresa said...

Oh I love to see all of your blooms! I have several roses blooming and hydrangeas too! I don't have any pansies but will remember to look for the butterfly faces when I see one:) Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

ellen b. said...

We've had a few frosts so things really need to be cleaned up here. As soon as the rain stops I'll clear the flower beds. Your flowers are pretty. I like your fitbit watch!